Finde den passenden Tanzkurs für Dich
Alle unsere Tanzkurse
Lerne Paartanz mit unserer einfachen Methode, die auf einfachen Bewegungen und Leitkonzepten basiert ist, und baue in weniger als einem Monat Selbstvertrauen für das Tanzen auf.
Wir unterrichten West Coast Swing / Smooth Swing, Modern Blues, Modern Jive / Leroc / Ceroc™, und Breakaway Ballroom.
Student Kurse
Partys mit Schnupperkurs
Get your feet loose in a fun and friendly dance party with music from the swing golden years until modern chillout tunes. Dance on your […]
West Coast Swing Improvers
19:30 – 20:30 NOTES: no partner needed (we rotate often), but you should have completed our beginner-friendly workshop In our West Coast Swing class, we […]
AcouSwing ZH
20:30 – 23:00 You love dancing West Coast Swing on quieter, generally slower acoustic music? Every dance is an opportunity for you to tell a […]
West Coast Swing Improvers
19:30 – 20:30 NOTES: no partner needed (we rotate often), but you should have completed our beginner-friendly workshop In our West Coast Swing class, we […]
Choreo Night
20:30 – 22:00 Do you like being part of a motivated group of dancers? You want to explore move sequences and styling to improve your […]